Faithfulness is being big in the little things. Being big means being consistent and committed in the small stuff. We have been called to display the virtue of faithfulness in our lives.
The Source:
Faithfulness is part of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). This means that if the Holy Spirit is already living within us, then only by His power will we be the faithful people that God has intended us to be. For our own strength will never be enough. It is something that we cannot manufacture with our own human efforts. Faithfulness, like love, is unconditional.
Faithfulness means doing, what in the eyes of the world will seem like, little roles. It is getting up every morning and doing the things that God wants you to do for Him and being consistent at it. The little roles we play do have a big impact on others. The little accomplishments we do on earth have big rewards in heaven, for God is pleases through them.
Luke 16:10 says, “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.” If we prove to be faithful in little things, then chances are we will be faithful in bigger things.
Being faithful in little things puts these three things to the test. It assesses our motives, if we are doing it for the right reasons. It examines our consistency, if we are going to see it through to the end. And it checks our sense of self worth, if we are doing it for the approval of God or for the praise of men.
The Application:
We are not only called to be faithful in our ministry. We should be faithful in every aspect of our lives: our relationships, our commitments and obligations, our values and priorities, and in our use of our time, talent and treasure.
Do you have regular quiet time with the Lord? Do you tithe? Do you keep your promises? Are you the same person at home, at work, and in church? Do you always speak the truth? Do you admit mistakes without rationalizing or blaming? Do you take initiative without being told? Do you spend according to your budget? Do you flee from temptation? Are you true to your wedding vows? These are some questions we can ask ourselves to check if we have truly been faithful in our daily lives.
The Motivation:
Galatians 1:10 says, “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Our sole motivation for being faithful is Jesus. We must do all things for God. This is a mark of the true servant of Christ. Faithfulness is our response to what God has done in our lives.
Has God been faithful to you? I know He has. Our faithfulness is a humble response to His faithfulness in our lives. But if you have never surrendered your life to this faithful Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, now is the time for you to respond to His faithfulness on your behalf.