Backpacking Thailand: Bangkok and Krabi 7-Day Itinerary, Cost-Breakdown, and Highlights

Backpacking Thailand: Bangkok and Krabi 7-Day Itinerary, Cost-Breakdown, and Highlights

The Itinerary As much as possible, I don’t really want to create a fully detailed itinerary because I’m a type of traveler who loves to just go on with the flow. I just want to enjoy whatever Thailand has to offer with me and also based on my own experiences, sixty percent of the time, I’m not able to follow everything that I’ve listed down on my itinerary. However, I don’t want to experience again the...

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Backpacking Travel Guide to Thailand

Backpacking Travel Guide to Thailand

Thailand is definitely on top of my list of the best places that I will visit over and over again. This place is heaven for budget backpackers like me. Locals are very friendly, satisfying food, stunning beaches and most of all the parties that last until sunrise. For a very limited amount of budget, I was able to enjoy my stay in Thailand, visited a lot of beautiful places, made local and foreign friends and partied in different...

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Top Places You Must See in Thailand 2017

Top Places You Must See in Thailand 2017

Thаіlаnd hаѕ ѕо many unique dеѕtіnаtіоnѕ that it could take you years to ѕее them all. Frоm іtѕ hundreds of іѕlаndѕ, tо іtѕ mеtrороlіtаn саріtаl сіtу, Thаіlаnd саtеrѕ tо аll tуреѕ оf trаvеlеrѕ аnd budgеtѕ. On my rесеnt trip оn vacation in Thailand, I spent my time exploring nаtіоnаl parks, аnсіеnt ruins, рrіѕtіnе islands, аnd mоdеrn cities. Here іѕ my list оf the tор рlасеѕ I thіnk уоu should not skip оut оn your nеxt...

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