The Heart of Discipleship

The Heart of Discipleship

The Greek term for “disciple” in the New Testament is mathetes, which means more than just “student” of “learner”. A disciple is a “follower of Christ. Tragically, many people in churches today believe that they can be Christians but not disciples. They believe to be a disciple is optional because they don’t have the time, skills, knowledge or commitment at this stage in their life. Here...

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Idolatry: I Don’t Only Love And Trust Righteous Yahweh!

Idolatry: I Don’t Only Love And Trust Righteous Yahweh!

A simple definition of idolatry is anything you love more or attribute your success to other than God. Judges 17 shows Israel falling into idolatry and moral decline. Israel, the nation that was to set the example for spiritual living, had instead become morally depraved. You would wonder how in the world did the people of Israel after seeing what God had done for them be this pathetic in their understanding of who God is. What are...

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Intimacy Through Obedience

Why do you call me, Lord, Lord and do not do what I say?” Luke 6:46 Many people think they are demonstrating obedience to God by helping others occasionally, avoiding temptation, and attending church every Sunday. Some people believe by going to Bible studies and seminars, God is pleased with them. But these is much more to obedience. True obedience to God means doing what God says, when He says, how He says, as long as He says, until...

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Humility: The Pathway to Significance

Humility: The Pathway to Significance

James was the first apostle to write about humility. In his letter to Jewish believers who were forced to live outside Jerusalem, he writes these words, “Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.” (James 4:10) The believers were struggling with discouragement and fear. They could not understand why their faith was being tested in such a severe way. This meant humbling themselves under God’s hand and...

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Meditating on our Wonderful and Awesome God

Psalm 8 tells us that God created everything (the moon, the stars, the sky, the earth, human beings, animals, plants and all living and inanimate things on this earth). His creation tells us that He is powerful and awesome. Through His creation, His majesty fills the earth and His existence is undeniable. He is glorious and deserves all praises and honor. He is also a thoughtful, loving and caring God. “When I look at the night...

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Would You Be Truly Free?

Would You Be Truly Free?

A Scottish theologian wrote, “We usually think of murder, adultery or theft as among the worst sins. But the root of all sin is slavery to self-sufficiency or “independence from God”. One would have to conclude so after looking at how God systematically removes self-sufficiency from our hearts before He begins to seriously use us. Look at this snapshot of a very young David. Self-absorbed, kicking and struggling, he mirrors what so...

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