Have you ever felt this? You want to read the Bible, but you just can’t, because of one thing. You lacked time. You always say you don’t have time when in fact, God gave you a lot. You really want to read it every day, every morning, but still you can’t. You always can’t. Another day passed and yet you didn’t do it again… but then weeks and months have passed by and nothing – not even a glimpse of one of the pages… Nothing!
Maybe most of you are accused by the enemy taunting, “Do you really love your God? Then, Why don’t you read His Word??”. You can’t answer him back because he’s definitely right. Then you’ll feel dejected and He’s getting distant. Maybe you felt really sorry, but because you are confident that He’ll forgive you anyway, you continue not reading and go back to the same old routine. Of course, He’ll forgive you, but do you really know the consequences of not reading His words and His commands?
I’ll admit, I’m also having a really hard time reading the Bible. Just like you I’d really want to. In fact, I’ll set time in the morning so I have at least 30 minutes to do so, but unfortunately, Again, I didn’t. I asked God to give me the motivation to read His words. I even told Him that if He’d really wanted to, He can make me read and read and read. But days, weeks and months have passed, I still don’t.
Until one day, I raised my prayer to God saying, “Lord, I need wisdom now, I really don’t know what to do so help me with this.” Then He replied, “I’ve asked you many times to read my word but you keep on refusing. I knew this day will come and you could’ve applied My Word in times like this, but since you didn’t, you’re suffering now.” He added, “I never asked you such things for my good. You know how much I love you. Yes, I am your savior as I am your Lord, But how you only accept me as your Savior and not as your Lord?”. I paused for a while as I reflected on what God had said to me. I remember this verse in Luke 6:46, “”Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”. I realized when I needed help He’s always there saving me. When I am sick, He is my healer. In weakness, He’s my strength. I always say that God is everything to me but it didn’t go that way. He’ll never be my Lord, not because He isn’t Lord. It’s my fault because I don’t obey my Master, my Lord.
Many times we face trials and unbearable circumstances we think we cannot surpass. But the fact is, God is always there in times of sickness or in pain. He’s always with us trying hard to talk to us through his Word. All we have to do is read the Bible to be able to hear Him, yet we tend not to do even such a simple thing. If we only follow His will and obey His commands, we will never ever feel that our circumstances are as unbearable and hopeless as we did before. It is our own self who brings trouble in our own life. Let’s all start reading the Bible and apply it in our everyday life. Maybe we’ll never have storm-free lives but rest assured that if we read His Word we can boldly face every troubles and trials with your heads up and tell the enemy face to face “You are defeated.” “Jesus had overcome the world.”
Author Bio:
Sandy Dulay is an active member at Victory Christian Fellowship Church and is living a life of happiness raising her adorable child, Haven Bryle. She’s an aspiring Blogger who wants to enhance her skills in writing to be able to glorify God. A diligent Office Manager by profession and a fervent Chef at heart, her cooking abilities really leave us in awe. Follow her journey in google+ and twitter